- Best arts and culture programme This award recognises excellent partnerships, sponsorships or CSR programmes that either exist within or are engaged with the arts. Successful entries should make reference to clearly-defined objectives, a strategy grounded in arts and culture, along with elements of creativity and innovation.
- Best charity, NGO or NFP programme This award honours those partnerships, sponsorships or CSR programmes run by or for a third sector organisation. Entries should include clear objectives and details on how the strategy was created. Winners should address how the relationship developed and how it was initiated.
- Best educational programme Winning partnerships, sponsorships or CSR programmes in this category will demonstrate excellence in providing educational support in any sector and to any age. Organisations providing educational programmes or facilitating educational programmes are eligible. Successful entries will align their object with the target audience, show a clear strategic approach, and exhibit creative thinking or problem-solving.
- Best environmental or sustainable programme Entries in this category should bring together two or more organisations that collaborate on a project rooted in promoting environmental or sustainable causes. Successful entries in this category will refer to the objectives the project wanted to achieve, the strategy adopted and the results obtained.
- Best pro-bono work for a charitable, social or ethical cause This category recognises companies, organisations or individuals who contribute their time or services for a stated cause without financial compensation. Excellent entries in this category should explore the impacts of the work carried out and the objectives stated at the outset.
- Best sports and leisure programme This category rewards those partnerships, sponsorships and CSR programmes that either exists within or are engaged in sports and leisure. Judges will look for those entries that address the business objectives and a clear strategy in sports and leisure. Successful entries will explain the relationship between the organisation and its partners.

- Best sponsorship activity to support or develop a corporate reputation This category recognises sponsorships in which reputational development is a primary objective. Entries should discuss how the sponsorship activity benefits all organisations involved and helps build reputation, brand awareness or business value.
- Best alignment of brand values through a sponsorship activity This category awards those partnerships that feature mutual benefits to each organisation, shared objectives for the programme and the demonstration of a values-led approach. Successful entries will explain why the relationship was developed and how the organisations involved were a good fit and why the partnership was initiated.
- Best engagement of an internal audience in a sponsorship programme. This category awards companies that most effectively communicate with their employees or internal stakeholders throughout a sponsorship programme or activity.
- Most effective sponsorship of a single event Excellence in this category is awarded to organisations that best represent their values, objectives and strategies through sponsorship of a single event. Successful entries will outline what the organisations involved wanted to achieve from the event and explain how these objectives were met.

- Best CSR activity or programme to support or develop a corporate reputation This category recognises CSR programmes in which reputational development is a primary objective. Entries should discuss how the sponsorship activity benefits all organisations involved and helps build reputation, brand awareness or business value.
- Best alignment of brand values during a CSR programme Excellence in this category relies on the effective alignment of brand values through a CSR programme. This award honours those partnerships that best unite organisations behind shared objectives. Brand values should be central to the partnership, sponsorship or activity. Successful entries will explain how the organisations involved were a good fit and why the relationship was initiated.
- Best community involvement during a CSR programme This award recognises partnerships and CSR activities that have a community development element. Strong entries will feature a focus on volunteering, community-based benefits or local stakeholder engagement.
- Best engagement of an internal audience in a CSR programme. This category awards companies that most effectively communicate with their employees or internal stakeholders throughout a CSR programme or activity.
- Best collaboration for a single event Excellence in this category is awarded to organisations that best represent the values, objectives and strategies through partnership for a single event. Strong entries in this category will demonstrate the most effective partnership or programme around CSR. Judges will look for clear results of how the event was of benefit to all involved when examining the entries.
- Most innovative collaboration This category recognises the partnership, programme or activity that is not only effective, but that exhibits a strong sense of innovation, creativity and strategic thinking in a successful CSR campaign or programme.
- Best foundation This award recognises the best charitable corporate foundation, taking into account not only the work the foundation does but also the alignment with the values of its corporate partner.

- Most effective one-off campaign This award honours the best campaign within a partnership, sponsorship of CSR programme.
- Most effective long-term commitment This award recognises those partnerships, sponsorships or programmes that are ongoing or have an end date more than three years after their inceptions.

- Best stakeholder communications This award recognises a partnership or sponsorship that has a defined strategy for communicating with relevant stakeholders. Successful entries will explain how stakeholders were engaged with the partnership or sponsorship and why it was useful for those organisations involved. Creativity, clarity and results are judged well.
- Best internal communications This award honours organisations that effectively communicate a project or campaign with its workforce. Judges will look for evidence of how employees were involved and what creative aspects made them excited about the project or campaign. Your submission must link back to what the Corporate Engagement Awards recognises - a corporate partnership, sponsorship or CSR activity.
- Best PR and external communications This category recognises the most effective media relations and promotion of a corporate partnership, sponsorship or CSR activity. Effective use of all relevant communications channels will be judged highly.
- Best use of AI for stakeholder engagement This category recognises effective uses of AI in CSR efforts to engage with stakeholders through personalised and responsive communications strategies.

- Best collaborative approach This award recognises excellence in collaboration between partner organisations. Those projects or programmes that most effectively use the assets of the participating organisations will be judged highly.
- Best execution This award celebrates the project or programme that most effectively carried out its intended task. Judges will examine the challenges and obstacles that were overcome as well as the event, project or programme itself.
- Best management of a programme This award recognises those organisations that most effectively carry out a campaign, project, programme or sponsorship activity. Strong leadership or strategy will be judged highly.
- Best team effort during a programme This award recognises those organisations that most effectively carry out a campaign, project, programme or sponsorship activity. Strong teamwork and strategic direction will be judged highly.

There is no entry procedure for this category and all submissions will be automatically considered.